Friday, August 24, 2012

Guest-Post & Giveaway @ My Beautiful, Crazy Life!

Hello lovely readers! Today I am guest-posting over at My Beautiful, Crazy Life. Head on over and check it out! While you're there make sure to look around on Breanna's awesome blog and say hello! She is a sweetheart, so you all better be following her. There is also an opportunity to win a book by John Piper and a $5 Starbucks gift card. So if you want some free caffeine and a good read, you should probably go and enter now! =)


On a side note, today was my last day of work. I think the best part was when they stuffed me full of cookies, brownies, and ice cream at my going away party. It was hard saying bye to all my beautiful clients, but I am also getting excited to get back to school next week. I can't believe how fast summer has gone by! One more year of school and then I am off to do heaven knows what in this big crazy world! Yikes!

Happy Friday!!!


  1. hey! found your blog through the giveaway at my beautiful crazy life. I am a 20 year old college student who loves Jesus! looks like we might have a lot in common. I'd love to chat more!

  2. Breanna sent me from her blog to say Hi!

  3. i'm entering this giveaway right now! Hi from Breanna's blog :) Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  4. Breanna sent me! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
